ANETO Capital cooperates with certain insurance advisors in the context of the wealth planning needs of our clients. A vehicle that is used more and more is the PPLI. 

A Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI) is a structure which is accepted by most jurisdictions around the world. This solution is a powerful wealth planning tool, offering numerous applications for clients who seek confidentiality and asset protection without losing access to the assets and flexibility. This structure has been available for more than 40 years and has been thoroughly tested in many jurisdictions. 


The vehicle serves as a wealth planning tool, which can hold all kinds of bankable and non-bankable assets. The structure may offer benefits on all categories of capital income such as capital gains, dividend income, interest income and inheritance, depending on the domicile of the beneficiaries. 


Thanks to the transfer of wealth from the client to the life insurance policy, the structure offers a high level of asset protection and confidentiality as all assets are held in the name of the company. If so requested, ANETO Capital can manage the assets according to the expectations and instructions of the client. 


The structure is advised on by a third party, not by ANETO Capital itself. As always, please contact your local legal and tax advisors before considering any new structures.