Independent Asset Management. At ANETO we believe that investments should be conducted in an independent and unbiased manner. We construct tailor-made portfolios for our clients as a function of their needs and risk profiles. We manage them in line with our core values of honesty, integrity, independence and dedication to excellence. Upon client's request, we can discuss the strategy any time and adapt to any changes in the markets and the client's profile. 

Asset Consolidation. In an effort to offer our clients a holistic view of all their investment exposures among different banks and funds, ANETO -if so appointed- can consolidate all the client’s accounts, including non-financial assets such as art, precious metals and real estate. ANETO does not manage those accounts, but provides the client with a holistic overview and segmentation in terms of Asset Classes, Geography, Sector, Industry, Currency, Booking center risks, Ratings, etc. This service includes random monitoring of the fees charged by banks or custodians on those accounts, as well as regular review of the interest rates offered in their time deposits.

Investment Advisory. ANETO provides portfolio and ad-hoc investment advisory services based on our client’s particular needs and risk profiles.